** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 23, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Fame and Fortune (Monday)

Read: Colossians 3:1-3, 16-17


Someday you're going to walk through this building and see my helmet and uniform number all over the place," said Bryce with a grin as he and the other boys in his Sunday school class left the Football Hall of Fame.


Eric laughed loudly. "Fat chance!" he said.


"Just wait--you'll see!" declared Bryce. "I'm going to be as well-known as the players whose stuff is in there now. Everybody will recognize me when I walk down the street, and I'm going to make a whole lot of money!"


"Sounds impressive," said Mr. Buckwald, their teacher, "but don't forget that fame and fortune can't make you happy. The important thing is having a relationship with Jesus and being willing to do whatever He wants you to do. Whether you're rich or poor, famous or unknown, the only way to have true joy is through Him."


"Yeah," said Eric. "That's why I'm gonna be a missionary. They're much more important than football players." He sent a smirk in Bryce's direction.


"Whoa, wait a minute!" said Mr. Buckwald. "Eric, if the Lord wants you to move to another country someday so you can tell the people there about Jesus, that will be wonderful. But if He wants Bryce to be a rich and famous football player with a testimony for Jesus, that will be great too."


"It will?" Eric asked in surprise. He wasn't sure that sounded right.


Mr. Buckwald nodded. "What I'm saying is that whether you become a football player, an engineer, a missionary, a nurse, an office worker, a school teacher--or whatever--be sure your main goal is to serve Jesus and show His love to others. He gives Christians different tasks and circumstances in life so we can reach people in different ways, but it's all for the same purpose--to point people to Jesus so they can know Him as their Savior too."


"So when we grow up, we can serve God in all kinds of different ways," observed one of the other kids. "That's cool."


"Yes," said Mr. Buckwald, "but don't wait till you're grown up to serve God. Honor and serve Him in all you do now too!" Sherry L. Kuyt



What ambitions do you have for the future? Ask God to show you His will. If He wants you to be a football player, be a good one—with Christ as your heart’s desire rather than popularity or money. If God calls you to be a missionary, be the very best missionary you can be. Whatever you do in the future, do it for His glory. But don’t wait till then to serve Him—start today!


TODAY'S KEY VERSE:  1 Corinthians 10:31 (KJV)

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (NKJV)










** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 18, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


The Snowstorm (Tuesday)

Read: Matthew 15:14; Philippians 3:17-21


"I can hardly see anything!" exclaimed Maya as snow swirled around the car.


"Everything is so white!"


"Yes," said Mom. "It's hard to even see the lines on the road!"


Vivian pointed ahead. "Look, Dad! There's a truck up ahead of us. Couldn't we make better time if we stayed close behind it?"


"It looks like other people have the same idea," Dad said as two cars passed them and sped up to follow more closely behind the truck. "They're going too fast," added Dad. "We'll just go slowly until we find a place to stop."


Soon they saw the same truck again--in a ditch. "Look!" said Maya. "That truck drove right off the road, and those two cars followed it!"


"The blind leading the blind," Dad murmured. "Hopefully the snow will let up soon. If not, we'll try to find a motel and wait until tomorrow to move on."


Before long the snow did let up, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you didn't follow that truck like I suggested," said Vivian. "But what did you mean about the blind leading the blind?"


"Jesus once told His disciples that if the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch," Dad explained. "That's what happened back there. The driver of the truck obviously couldn't see any better than the drivers of the cars. They just followed him anyway, and he led them off the road."


"Well, I'm sure Jesus wasn't talking about trucks or cars," said Vivian.


"No," said Dad. "Jesus was talking about spiritual blindness. He was teaching that we need to trust and follow Him."


"At school, a lot of kids seem to follow singers, athletes, movie stars--people like that," said Maya. "Is that bad?"


"It depends," said Dad. "It's fine to admire someone's ability to sing or play a sport, but only Jesus can open our eyes to spiritual truth. We need to trust Him as our Savior and follow His example. Other Christians can help us understand what it means to follow Jesus by modeling it in their own lives. But imitating the sinful ways of someone who's following their own desires instead of Jesus will not lead us anywhere we want to go." Karen R. Locklear



Who do you admire and want to be like? People who display the love of Jesus and encourage others in their faith? Or someone who tells you it’s okay to disrespect someone you don’t like, to be dishonest, or to do some other sinful thing? Don’t follow such people. They are blind to the wisdom and knowledge of God. Look to those who know and love Jesus as examples of how we must all imitate Him.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Hebrews 6:12 (KJV)

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. (NIV)







** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 19, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Gone Fishin’ (Part 1) (Wednesday)

Read: Matthew 4:18-22


Santiago quickly scribbled a note for his mother--"Gone fishin'"--then grabbed his pole and bait and hurried down to the river. When he reached his favorite spot, he saw a boy already sitting there. He hesitated, then decided to stay at that spot anyway. "Catch anything?" he asked as the boy jerked his line completely out of the water.


The boy looked up. "Nah. This isn't a very good spot."


Santiago couldn't believe his ears. This was the best spot on the whole river!


"I've been sitting here all morning without any bites," the boy complained as he jerked his line up again.


"Well, you have to be patient," said Santiago. "How often do you pop your line out of the water like that?"


The boy shrugged. "Every few minutes. Just checkin' to see if a fish has eaten the worm yet." He frowned. "Never happens."


"You fish much?" asked Santiago, sure he already knew the answer.


The boy shook his head. "Nope. First time."


"What's your name?" Santiago asked.


"Pete Fisher." The boy grinned. "I figure anybody with the name Fisher oughta learn how to fish."


Santiago sat down. "Pete," he said, "we've gotta talk." After baiting his hook, Santiago cast the line into the river and proceeded to give Pete advice on fishing.


At dinner that night, Santiago told his family about Pete. "He still pulls his line up way too often, but he's getting better. I'm going to help him."


"Good," said Dad. "His name reminds me of Peter in the Bible. He was a fisher too. One day Jesus came to Peter and said, Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!' Santiago, you have a perfect opportunity to fish' for Pete."


"I'm not going to fish for him," said Santiago. "I'm going to teach him how to fish so he can catch fish for himself."


Dad laughed. "What I mean is, you can fish the way Jesus was talking about. You can help Pete know more about Jesus and what He's done to save us. Perhaps God will use you to bring Pete to Him." Lynn Hansen



Do you go fishing? If you’re a follower of Jesus, He’s made you a fisher of people. That kind of fishing doesn’t require wiggly worms or floppy fish. It requires loving others and being a friend to them. It requires prayer and a willingness to tell people what Jesus has done for you. And it’s much more satisfying than ordinary fishing. Be a fisher of people by bringing others to Jesus.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Matthew 4:19 (KJV)

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” (NLT)

** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 20, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Gone Fishin’ (Part 2) (Thursday)

Read: Matthew 5:14-16


I'm going to do it, Santiago decided. I want to be a fisher of people and help bring my friends to Jesus. And I'm going to start with Pete. So whenever Santiago saw Pete, he would mention a Bible verse he'd learned, or he'd invite Pete to go to church with him. Pete always refused and often acted annoyed when Santiago quoted a verse or tried to tell him about Jesus.


"I give up, Dad," Santiago said one evening. "Pete never wants to come to church, and he's getting sick of me asking all the time. I don't think he likes it when I share Bible verses either. I'm gonna quit!"


"What was one of the first things you taught Pete about fishing?" asked Dad.


Santiago thought about it. "Not to keep popping his line out of the water."


Dad nodded. "Patience is necessary, both when you fish for fish and when you fish for people. You need to keep at it and not give up." Dad looked thoughtful. "Maybe you should also consider how you're casting out."


"What do you mean?" asked Santiago.

"Well, you don't have to recite verses or constantly ask Pete to go to church with you," said Dad. "Why don't you focus on strengthening your friendship?Keep spending time together and having fun."


"Shouldn't I ever talk about God?" Santiago asked.


"Sure, but maybe not every time you see Pete," said Dad. "Pray for him, and when he shows a little interest, tell him why Jesus is so important to you and what you enjoy about church. Maybe he'll decide to come sometime. But don't press him, and remember--you must be patient."


Over the next few weeks, Santiago did what his dad suggested. Finally, he felt the nibble he'd been waiting for.


"Dad!" Santiago shouted as he burst into the house. "Guess what happened today!"

"Well, I know you planned to go fishing this afternoon, so I'd say you caught a fish," said Dad.


"Yeah--and his name is Pete!" Santiago beamed. "I got a nibble, at least. Pete said he wanted to go to church on Wednesday night with me. You were right, Dad--a fisher needs to be patient if he really wants to bring someone to Jesus." Lynn Hansen



Do you give up if you try to tell someone about Jesus and they don’t seem interested? Check your cast—are you being a genuine friend? Are you praying for them? When the time is right, share what Jesus has done for you (“Have You Heard the Good News?” on page 102 can help). It may take a long, long time before someone wants to learn more about Jesus, but the salvation of a friend is worth waiting for! Be patient and don’t give up.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. (NIV)

** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 24, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Ugly Brown Shoes (Friday)

Read: 1 John 4:7-11


The first day of school always made Alice nervous, but today was the worst ever because her family had recently moved to a new town. She smiled shyly at a couple of girls. One nodded toward Alice's feet and mouthed, "Weird." The other rolled her eyes. They turned their backs and giggled.


Alice shifted her backpack and limped to her locker. The kids are already making fun of my shoes, she thought. What will they say when they notice the way I walk?


A girl with long dark curls pulled back in a ponytail pushed a pile of gym clothes into the locker next to Alice's. "Hi," she said. "You must be new here. My name's Jade."


"Hi, Jade." Alice's voice squeaked. "I'm Alice."


"Want to stop at the library with me?" asked Jade. She slammed her locker door and started down the hall. When Alice limped behind, Jade slowed her pace. She glanced down at Alice's shoes. "Hurt your feet?" she asked.


"I--I was born with crooked feet," Alice explained, "but I had surgery on them two months ago. The doctor says if I wear these ugly orthopedic shoes for a year, my feet should be okay." To her relief, Jade simply smiled and nodded.


As the days went by, Jade continued to treat Alice as a friend, but several other kids did not. One day as the two walked down the hall, a classmate pointed to Alice's shoes and said, "Ew, look at those ugly brown shoes!" Heads turned, and several kids snickered.


"What's your problem?" Jade asked the gawking kids. "Alice had an operation on her feet. Her shoes are like a cast--they're helping them heal." The hallway fell silent, and the kids scattered.


"Thanks, Jade," said Alice as they moved on, "but won't kids make fun of you now for sticking up for me?"


"Maybe," said Jade, "but I'm a Christian, so I want to be kind even when others are mean because that's what Jesus is like. Besides, you're my friend." She grinned. "After school, let's see if our moms will let us go shopping for the brightest shoelaces we can find, so bright those kids will notice them instead of your shoes. I'll get some too. Don't you think friends ought to wear matching shoelaces?" Dorothy Skinner



Do you stick up for somebody other kids laugh at? Or do you join in? When you’re tempted to do that, think about God’s great love for you. Like everyone, you are a sinner, but God loves you so much He gave His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for every bad thing you do. Show His love to others by being kind—especially to those who are often looked down upon.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: 1 John 4:11 (KJV)

If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (NKJV)

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589 Unlocked 가이드 (04/10/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.04.08 4142
588 Daily Devotional 가이드 (04/10/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.04.08 4025
587 Unlocked 가이드 (04/03/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.04.01 3967
586 Daily Devotional 가이드 (04/03/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.04.01 1349
585 Unlocked 가이드 (03/27/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.24 418
584 Daily Devotional 가이드 (03/27/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.24 3822
583 Unlocked 가이드 (03/20/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.18 110
582 Daily Devotional 가이드 (03/20/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.18 3447
581 Unlocked 가이드 (03/13/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.10 73
» Daily Devotional 가이드 (03/13/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.10 225
579 Unlocked 가이드 (03/6/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file file adminMin 2021.03.03 7352
578 Daily Devotional 가이드 (03/06/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.03.03 25085
577 Unlocked 가이드 (02/27/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.23 13542
576 Daily Devotional 가이드 (02/27/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file file adminMin 2021.02.23 54500
575 Unlocked 가이드 (02/20/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.23 17926
574 Daily Devotional 가이드 (02/20/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.23 2987
573 Unlocked 가이드 (02/13/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.10 13860
572 Daily Devotional 가이드 (02/13/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.10 11223
571 Unlocked 가이드 (02/06/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.03 3516
570 Daily Devotional 가이드 (02/06/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.02.03 11374