** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다.

Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다.

‘Carrie’s Shadow’ 원본으로 듣고 싶으신 분들은 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <Feb 23, 2020>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Carrie’s Shadow (Monday)

Read: Ephesians 5:1-2; 1 John 2:6 

Mom, I'm going to bring cookies over to the new neighbors." Carrie slid the container under her arm. "Dad and I met them yesterday."

"Okay, honey," Mom said. Carrie was nearly out the door when Mom suddenly stopped her. "Carrie, would you take Brianna with you?" Carrie frowned, but she took her little cousin's hand. Mom might want a break, she thought. Brianna was staying with them for a few days while Carrie's aunt and uncle were away.

As they walked down the street, Brianna looked up at Carrie. Her cousin watched her the whole way. Carrie felt a little uncomfortable but quickly forgot about it when they reached the neighbors' house.

Carrie greeted the Huangs, who had moved from China. When she said hello, Brianna said hello. When Carrie began to skip on the way home, Brianna skipped too. Carrie raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off.

For the next several days, Brianna wanted to do everything Carrie did. When Carrie put her hair up, so did Brianna. When Carrie wore pink, her little cousin wanted to wear pink too. Brianna followed her around like a little shadow. At first, Carrie didn't give it much thought, but as Brianna continued to smile, laugh, and act like her, she began to notice.

On the last day of Brianna's stay, Carrie managed to sneak away and find Mom in the backyard. She knelt down by the flower bed Mom was weeding and told her about Brianna's behavior. "She keeps doing everything I do, Mom!"

Mom smiled. "It's because she loves you--that's why she wants to be like you. Because of your good character, Brianna wants to act the way you act and dress the way you dress."

"I hadn't realized that," Carrie said.

"You know, Brianna reminds me of how we should act," Mom said as she pulled a weed out of the ground. "Just like Brianna wants to act like you, we should seek to act like Jesus in all that we do. He is our greatest example, and we should imitate Him by showing His love and kindness to others."

"Yeah," Carrie replied. "Having Brianna act like me will help me remember I need to be like Jesus because I love Him." Hope Dougherty


Have you ever wanted to be like someone, or has someone wanted to be like you? It’s natural to want to imitate someone we love and look up to. Jesus is the greatest example of how Christians should live. He acted in kindness, obedience, and love when He died on the cross for our sins, and that’s how we should act too. Show your love by imitating Him.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE:  Ephesians 5:1 (KJV)

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.







** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다.

Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다.

‘Baby’s First Steps’ 원본으로 듣고 싶으신 분들은 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <Feb 18, 2020>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Baby’s First Steps (Tuesday)

Read: Romans 15:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

"I don't know what to do about Kyla, Mom," Iris said as she came into the house and hung up her coat. "She just called Colby a really mean name when he bumped into her on the bus. I was so glad when Kyla became a Christian last month, but now she's driving me crazy! One day she acts like a Christian, and the next day she lies or cheats or calls people names. I feel like giving up on her."

"I hope you won't really give up," said Mom. "Instead, pray for her. Pray that as Kyla gets to know Jesus better, she'll show His love in the things she says and does each day. Be a friend and help her all you can."

"I don't know," Iris muttered. "It seems hopeless!"

As Iris played with her baby brother that evening, she stood him on his feet. "Mom! Look at David! He wants to walk!" Sure enough, when Iris let go of David, he took a tottering step toward her before falling down. Iris helped him back up again. "Come here, David," she coaxed. "Come on, buddy. You can walk!" Iris put the baby back on his feet several times, but he was never able to take more than a step or two before he tumbled to the floor.

"Better give up," said Mom. "He'll never be able to walk. He just keeps falling down."

Iris looked at her mom in surprise. "Give up? What are you talking about? He just needs more time and help. Isn't that right, David?" Iris stood him up and patiently encouraged him to walk again.

"You're exactly right, Iris," Mom said. "David does need more time and help--and so does Kyla. She's a baby Christian. She's going to need lots of encouragement as she takes those first steps in her walk with Jesus. Your encouragement will remind her that Jesus will never give up on her, even when she does things that are wrong."

Iris held out her hands, encouraging David to walk to her again. "Okay, Mom," she said. "I won't give up helping David learn to walk, and I won't give up on Kyla either." Geri Walcott



Do you know a “baby” Christian—someone who hasn’t been a Christian very long? Do you get annoyed when that person does things you feel a Christian shouldn’t do? Don’t give up on that person. Instead, pray for them and encourage them. Remember that Jesus will never give up on any of His children, even though we all do things that are wrong. Show that to new Christians by helping and encouraging them.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Romans 15:7 (KJV)

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. (NIV)




** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다.

Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다.

‘Grandma’s Packages’ 원본으로 듣고 싶으신 분들은 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <Feb 20, 2020>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Grandma’s Packages (Wednesday)

Read: Psalm 142:1-5; Galatians 6:2

Aiden and his mom watched as the bus screeched to a halt. A minute later, Grandma stepped off it. "Thank you," she said to one of the passengers, who placed her scarlet suitcase and several bags beside her before stepping back onto the bus.

"Look at all Grandma's bags! Does she really need that many?" asked Aiden as the bus drove off.

"Well, we're not sure how long she'll be here, so she must have come prepared," Mom answered. Aiden's dad had recently left them, and Grandma was coming to stay with them for a while.

Mom dragged the large suitcase with wheels up the hill while Aiden and Grandma carried the other bags. "Phew!" said Aiden as he struggled up the hill in the scorching sun, wondering if they would ever reach their house. "How many things did you bring with you, Grandma?"

"Well, I wasn't certain how long I'd be staying, so I've packed plenty of things."

Aiden huffed and puffed his way up the hill and blew a sigh of relief when they arrived at the front door. Arms aching, he placed the packages on the table while Mom fixed them a snack.


"What a heavy load. Thank you for helping me," Grandma said, biting into one of Mom's delicious chocolate brownies. "Now I'm going to help you with your heavy load. I know this is a difficult time for you, and I will stay as long as you need me."

She opened up the bags and pulled out an abundance of gifts--homemade cookies, pies, cakes, and groceries. She gave Aiden a large sketch pad and pencils as well as several jigsaw puzzles.

"Thank you," Mom said, giving Grandma a hug.

"Yeah, thanks, Grandma," Aiden said. "I didn't know those heavy bags I carried were filled with so many gifts!"

Grandma nodded. "I hope you'll remember that Jesus fills your life with gifts and blessings too, even during difficult times. He died and rose again to give you eternal life, and He'll carry your burdens and troubles. You don't have to face them on your own."

"I already know of one gift He's given us to help with this heavy burden," Aiden said, giving Grandma a hug. "You!" Cindy Lee


Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the many problems you carry? Talk to Jesus and share your problems with Him. He carried the weight of your sin when He died on the cross, and He will carry your heavy burden. Trust Him to give you strength and encouragement in hard times, and share His gifts with others when they face difficulties in their lives.


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (NLT)


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다.

Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다.

‘No Limit to Forgiveness’ 원본으로 듣고 싶으신 분들은 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <Feb 21, 2020>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


No Limit to Forgiveness (Thursday)

Read: Matthew 6:14-15; 18:21-22

Emilia was watching TV with her family when her phone began to ding. It was a post from her friend Anna. Emilia opened it and saw a photo that showed Anna and four of their close friends hanging out. Emilia frowned and turned back to the TV.

As the night went on, Emilia received more photos and videos of her friends hanging out without her. "Mom, why are they doing this to me? Don't they know how it feels not to be invited and then have them practically rub it in my face?"

"My guess is they don't know you feel hurt and left out by their actions. Just be careful not to say something you later regret."

Just then, Emilia's phone dinged with another notification, and she picked it up, sighing. "It's probably them again." To her surprise, it wasn't her friends. It was a notification from a daily Bible verse app. Today's verse was Colossians 3:13: "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

Peeking over her shoulder and seeing the verse, Emilia's mom said, "Oh, that's perfect for right now! You may be upset with your friends at the moment, but you should forgive them, just like Jesus has forgiven you. You make mistakes too, just like they do."


"But I got mad at them last week for saying something mean about the music I listen to," Emilia said. "How many times do I have to forgive them?"

"Remember the story in the Bible where Peter asks Jesus how many times someone should forgive another person?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Peter thought he only had to forgive someone seven times, but Jesus told him, Not seven times, but seventy times seven.' Of course, He didn't mean that we should count every time someone wrongs us and refuse to forgive them once we hit seventy times seven, but rather there's no limit to how many times we should forgive."

Emilia sighed. "I'll ask my friends about it tomorrow--maybe there's a reason why they were hanging out without me. But even if there's not, I'll forgive them." RoseMary Greany



Do you hold grudges against people? Is it hard for you to forgive someone when they’ve hurt you? The Bible tells us to forgive others because Jesus has forgiven us for all our sins. He doesn’t put a limit on how many times He will forgive, and neither should we. There’s no limit to how many times you can forgive someone. Forgive them because you’ve been forgiven.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Colossians 3:13 (KJV)

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV)


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다.

Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다.

‘Broken Bones’ 원본으로 듣고 싶으신 분들은 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <Feb 22, 2020>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Broken Bones (Friday)

Read: Hebrews 4:14-16 

Timothy had fallen off his bike and broken his leg. At first it was fun to eat his meals on the sofa and watch cartoons, but now he was bored. He missed playing with his friends.

"How are you feeling?" Dad asked when he came home from work.

"My leg doesn't hurt as much today."

"That's good to hear." Dad joined him on the sofa. "But I wasn't as happy to hear how impatient you were with Mom today."

"But Dad, you don't know what it's like to have to sit here all day." Feeling sorry for himself, Timothy crossed his arms and slid down lower on the couch. "I can't swim or bike, and another player took my place in the big soccer game. You just don't understand!"

"I understand better than you think. When I was young, I broke my arm."

Timothy froze. "You broke your arm, Dad?" He sighed, feeling guilty. "I bet you didn't yell and complain."

"Guess again." Dad smiled at Timothy's look of surprise. "I found it very difficult to listen to my parents--and my doctor too. But Jesus helped me understand that He knew what I was going through. Sometimes we think that because Jesus is the Son of God, He can't understand the way we feel. But the Bible says He understands our struggles because He was tempted just like us. He knows what it's like to be human and live on this earth."

"Just like you understand what it's like to have a broken arm because you had one when you were young!" Timothy said.

"Exactly! But unlike me, Jesus never sinned. And because He can sympathize with our human weakness, He helps us resist sin and provides forgiveness for the wrongs we've done."

"I'm glad for that," said Timothy.

Dad nodded. "Me too. Now, after you make things right with Mom and Jesus, I have a game to teach you. It kept me busy for many hours when my arm was broken!" Jessica Kleeberger



Do you ever feel like no one understands what you’re going through? Jesus understands what it’s like to be human. He knows what it’s like to suffer hardships and feel tempted to do wrong. But unlike us, He didn’t give in to temptation, even when it was hard. He never sinned, and He can help us resist sin too—and He forgives us when we do sin. He knows how you feel and will help you through hardships and temptation.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Hebrews 4:15 (KJV)

This High Priest of ours [Jesus] understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. (NLT)


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750 Daily Devotional 가이드 (05/29/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.05.27 13594