** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 11, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Who You Are (Monday)

Read: Psalm 139:1-18; Romans 8:14-17


Petra stared at the sparkling chandelier on her ceiling and blinked back tears of frustration. Nothing was going right at school this month. Everything she tried just seemed to fail--drama class, dance, swimming. Even though she was working really hard in her classes, Petra was still struggling with her grades. "God, I just want to be good at one thing! I feel so useless and worthless," Petra whispered as she hugged her purple squishy stuffed kitty.


Her friends seemed to excel in so many things. Kaylee was great in math and science, Brooklyn was the fastest swimmer and awesome at other athletic events, Tiffany could paint the most realistic pictures. Petra sighed. Sunlight shone through the crystals hanging off her chandelier and projected tiny rainbows onto her wall. She was suddenly reminded of what rainbows symbolized in the Bible--God's unfailing promises. She pulled her Bible off her nightstand. "Remind me who I am in you, Jesus," she prayed.


Petra turned to one of her favorite Psalms, Psalm 139. Verse 14 was underlined in bright pink. Petra read it again and smiled. "I am wonderfully made." Petra then turned to a well-read passage in the New Testament, Romans 8. When she read verse 16, she grabbed her yellow highlighter and underlined "we are God's children." The last verse in the chapter was already highlighted, and she spoke the truth out loud just to make sure she remembered. "I am loved by God and nothing can separate me from His love."


She needed to read one more, so Petra flipped to 1 Peter 2. In verses 9 and 10, she highlighted "chosen people," "God's special possession," and "you have received mercy." Petra smiled. "Thank you, Jesus, for reminding me that I am Yours. I don't need to be the best at everything, and that doesn't define who I am anyway. I am Your child and loved by You, and that's what matters most."


Springing out of bed, Petra felt her energy and enthusiasm renewed. Grinning at her reflection in the mirror, Petra held her hairbrush like a microphone. Using her best TV show host voice, she said, "Today we welcome Petra, loved and treasured by God!" Savannah Coleman



Do you get discouraged over things you wish you could do better? It’s important to remember that what we do (or can’t do) does not determine who we are. If you know Jesus as your Savior, your identity is found in Him. When you start to dwell on your shortcomings, allow God to remind you that you are His. Read His Word daily to hear what God says about who you are.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)

But you are a chosen people…God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (NIV)

















** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 12, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


A Baby’s Cry (Tuesday)

Read: Psalm 8


Derin laughed and tickled harder as Moji's baby sister giggled with delight. "Lola is so cute!" she said.


"Yeah, yeah." Moji yawned and rubbed a hand over her eyes. "I'm sick of everyone going on about how cute Lola is. They don't hear her screaming the house down or have to deal with her dirty diapers. I'll be glad when I can sleep uninterrupted again at night!"


"Okay, grumpy," Derin said. "What's going on with you? I thought you were excited to have a sister."


"That was before I knew how annoying babies are," Moji replied. "All she seems to do is eat and cry and--"


Just then, Lola scrunched up her face, and Moji swatted at the air. "Pew! Now you see what I have to deal with every day?"


Lola began to wail, and Moji's mom hurried in to pick up the howling baby. "What's the matter, honey?" she cooed. "You have big sis and cousin Derin right here."


"She was fine just a minute ago," said Derin. "Maybe she's hungry now."


"Please make her stop," Moji muttered. "I can't take any more noise today."


"Derin, dear, could you please grab that Bible and read Psalm 8, verse 2?"


"Yes, Aunty." Derin turned to the passage and read aloud. "From the mouths of children and babies come songs of praise to you. They sing of your power to silence your enemies who were seeking revenge.' Wow! What does that mean?"


"It means that what we hear as noise' when babies cry is considered majestic praise in heaven," said her aunt.


Moji frowned. "That doesn't make sense. Babies don't even know what music is."


"I think I understand," Derin said. "Our Sunday school teacher once taught about how human life is miraculous, especially when you understand how babies are formed. So that means every sound they make points to God."


"That's exactly right," Moji's mom said, laying Lola back down in the crib. "Psalm 8 tells us all of creation sings God's praises, including little babies. Even though Lola is too little to understand that Jesus died and rose again to save her from sin, her crying and laughing remind us that He created her and loves her--and us too."


Moji pinched Lola's cheek. "Go on, baby sis, declare God's praises!" Remi Oyedele



Do you ever wonder if God is real? All of creation and the intricacy of the world around us point to Him. Listen to the sound of a baby’s cry and consider everything that needed to happen to make that sound possible. But God didn’t just create us—the Bible says He also loves us and sent His Son to save us. God is real, awesome, and majestic, and He loves you!



From the mouths of children and babies come songs of praise to you. They sing of your power to silence your enemies who were seeking revenge. (ERV)


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 13, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Hidden Food (Wednesday)

Read: Psalm 119:92-103; John 6:35


Jason watched as a chipmunk in the bird feeder stuffed sunflower seeds into his cheeks. Then he climbed down the post and dashed away. Moments later he returned with his mouth empty. "How could he have eaten so much so quickly?" Jason asked his dad.


"He's not eating the food. He's storing it in his burrow for winter," Dad explained. "The burrow he dug has many chambers where food can be stored. His underground home also has a bathroom and an area for sleeping."


"Wow," said Jason. "He thought of everything! I'd like to find out where his home is."


The next time the chipmunk left the bird feeder, Jason watched closely. The striped bundle bounded through the grass and disappeared under a lilac bush. It took some looking, but at last Jason found the entrance to the chipmunk's home.


Over the next few weeks, the chipmunk added to his pantry. Then a snowstorm came, and the chipmunk stayed in his den.


"At least he has plenty to eat," said Jason. "I bet he has a bushel of food hidden down there."


"I hope we have just as much hidden away," said Dad.


"Why would we need to hide our food?" asked Jason. "We don't have to worry about someone stealing it, do we?"


Dad laughed. "The food I'm talking about isn't the kind you put in your mouth. It's the kind you store in your heart. What's hidden there, no one can take away."


Jason's eyebrows wrinkled in thought. "Are you talking about the Bible?"


Dad nodded. "God's Word is the spiritual food we need to store in our hearts. It tells us about the bread of life--Jesus, who feeds our hungry souls with His love and grace. It reminds us that we belong to Him and encourages us to turn away from sin and trust God in every situation. When we read it and treasure what it says about God's love and promises, we store its truth in our hearts."


Jason smiled. "Our teacher at church is helping us learn more about the Bible this year."


"That's wonderful!" said Dad. "Keep it up and you'll be like that chipmunk, prepared for anything." David J. Belleau



Are you storing God’s Word in your heart? The Bible offers us spiritual food that nourishes our faith. It tells us what Jesus did to save us and reminds us of His love and forgiveness. It teaches us to resist sin and make good decisions that show others we follow Jesus. Get to know Jesus by reading His Word. Store His truth in your heart. Then like the chipmunk, you’ll be well fed and ready for life.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Psalm 119:11 (KJV)

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (NLT)

** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 15, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Brooklyn’s Blank Page (Thursday)

Read: Matthew 9:9-13; 2 Corinthians 5:17


Brooklyn put the pencil down. Other than a couple scribbles, the page was blank. She sighed. Tuesday seemed like weeks ago. It was the day she did something she never thought she would do. Brooklyn picked up the paper and looked at it again. It's like my life, she thought. Scribbles ruining a once-pure page. She couldn't stand looking at it. She thrust it into her backpack, leaving her lunch tray behind.


Although she had insisted on sitting alone at lunch, Brooklyn wasn't going unnoticed. Dallas had been her best friend since first grade. When he saw Brooklyn run off, he asked Rose to follow her while he cleared the lunch trays. Rose followed her to their next classroom. "What's wrong?"


Brooklyn rolled her eyes.


Rose waited. "I wanted to give you some space again today, but I'm worried about you."


Dallas walked in. "Can I see what you were drawing?" he asked.


Reluctantly Brooklyn pulled the paper out of her bag. Dallas was surprised to see that all his artistic friend had drawn on the page were scribbles. He didn't say anything but sat down in the chair next to her.


"I don't know what's wrong with me," said Brooklyn. "I've always been able to draw before. Now everything I do looks like trash."

"You're the best artist I know," Rose said. "You're just having a rough week."


"You guys don't know what I've done," Brooklyn murmured as she threw the paper away. "It's so bad I can never tell anyone."


After class, Dallas taped a piece of paper on Brooklyn's locker. He had drawn a small spot on it. "What do you see?" he asked.


"It's a sad attempt at a circle," Brooklyn replied.


"I see a piece of paper," Dallas insisted. "No matter what's on it, it's still paper. And you're still a Christian. I don't know what you've done, but Jesus can handle it. He's ready to forgive. Just ask Him. He can make something beautiful from your scribbles."


On Monday, Brooklyn handed a drawing to Dallas. "The light and shadows are terrific," he commented and then looked up at her. "There's tape on here."


Brooklyn smiled. "I wanted to remember that Jesus will always forgive me. Thank you for the reminder." Becky Elie



Do you feel like you’ve done something so wrong you can’t talk about it? If you’ve sinned, confess it to Jesus. No matter what you’ve done, He’s ready to forgive! He lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose again to save sinners. His grace is enough for you. If you still feel upset about what you did, ask Him to give you the courage to talk to a parent, pastor, or counselor about it too.



If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (NKJV)

** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <January 16, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Roller Coasters (Friday)

Read: Psalm 37:23-24, 39-40


Silas grinned as he and his sister stood in line for their first ride on the new Thrillinator roller coaster. "Before you know it, we'll be zooming down those slick metal rails--upside down, downside up, and every which way in between," said Silas. "I can hardly wait!"


"I can!" replied Hadley. "I can't believe you like doing this stuff! This thing will hurl us at incredibly dangerous speeds through insane twists and turns and drops. I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to ride this thing with you!"


Silas laughed. "I know what you were thinking. You wanted the funnel cake I promised to buy you for going on the roller coaster with me." He had agreed to buy it for her because it always felt weird to ride a roller coaster alone. "Besides," he added, "roller coasters teach us an important lesson. Remember what Dad compared them to?"


"Sure," said Hadley. "Dad said a roller coaster is something like life--full of ups and downs." She shook her head. "It seems like our family's been going through a lot of the downs lately. Aunt Susie died, and Mom's been sick, and our dog is lost." She frowned. "Like I said, I don't really like roller coasters."


"Well, don't forget what else Dad told us," said Silas, grinning as the Thrillinator came to a halt. It was their turn next. "Dad said roller coasters were carefully designed with safety in mind, and since Jesus has saved us and given us eternal life, our lives are safe too."


Hadley nodded as they both moved forward to climb into the waiting car. "I remember," she replied. "He said we're in the hands of the Great Designer--a loving God who knows what's best and helps us face all the high and low points ahead."


"Right," said Silas. "And we're never riding that roller coaster alone--Jesus is right next to us through all of life's ups and downs."


Hadley shrieked as the roller coaster suddenly jerked ahead. They were about to begin racing through corkscrew turns and zooming down steep drops. "Don't forget--it's safe," Silas yelled to his sister. He smiled, knowing they had nothing to fear in life either. Mike A. Dize



Do you get scared when you think about the future? Maybe someone in your family is sick or school is becoming too difficult. You can’t know what’s going to happen in life, but you can trust Jesus to take care of you as you go through it. Even when you face scary twists and turns, He is right there next to you. You are safe with Him.



He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. (NKJV)

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750 Daily Devotional 가이드 (05/29/21) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2021.05.27 13596