** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <December 27, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


The Domino Effect (Monday)

Read: Ephesians 4:26-31 


Kai watched in horror as his little sister reached for the dominoes he had spent the last two hours setting up. "Halia! Don't touch those!"

But it was too late. Halia pushed the first domino, and they all quickly tumbled down. Halia giggled, clapping her little hands.


"You are so stupid, Halia!" Kai shouted. "I was going to make a video of that! Now go away!" Halia's happy face crumpled. Sobbing, she ran off to the next room.


Olive, their dog, wandered over to Halia, her tail wagging. When Olive licked Halia's face, she kicked at the dog. "Stupid!" she yelled. "Go away!"

Then Kai heard Mom's voice. "Halia, you cannot kick Olive! And I don't like what I heard coming from your mouth."


As Kai set up the dominoes again, he began to feel really bad about what he had said to his sister. "Halia," he called a few minutes later. Halia slowly came into the room. Kai pointed to the dominoes, which he had built in the shape of a smiley face. "I built this for you," he said. "Go ahead--you can start it."


Delighted, Halia pushed over the first domino, and Mom came in to watch as the room filled with the clicking of dominoes falling.


"You know," Mom said thoughtfully, "one domino falling affects all the others, and that kind of thing happens with people too. For example, when we get angry, our reactions often affect more than one person." Mom patted the dog. "Or creature."


"Halia told you what happened before she kicked Olive, didn't she?" Kai looked at the floor. "When I got mad and said mean things to Halia, I made her angry too. So she took it out on Olive. That was like the dominoes--from me to Halia to the dog."


"Yes," said Mom. "The Bible tells us to be careful what we say to each other. As Christians, we should build others up with our words instead of knocking them down. Instead of lashing out when we feel angry, we can trust Jesus to help us respond in a loving way."


Kai looked at his sister. "I'm sorry I yelled and called you stupid, Halia. You're not stupid--you're really smart!" 

"S'okay," Halia said. She grinned and patted Olive's head. "Good dog, Olive. Good dog." -Elizabeth L. Toner



Are you careful about the things you say? Your words have an effect on others. Like dominoes, they can continue to either build others up or knock them down. When you respond to someone in a kind, loving way, you’re showing them the love of Jesus and encouraging them to treat others that way too. Trust Jesus to help you build others up with your words.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Ephesians 4:29 (KJV)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs. (NIV)


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < December 21, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


The Perfectly Imperfect Nativity (Tuesday)

Read: Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21; 1 John 5:11 


Dad had done everything he could to make this Christmas feel the same. He hung the outdoor lights, no problem. That was his task every year. He'd even whistled while he hung them. Mia smiled when she heard it. Dad hadn't whistled much since Mom died last spring. It was a good sound. A happy sound.


But Dad struggled with the nativity set. "Um, Dad?" Mia said. "You look confused. Can I help?"


Dad laughed and sighed all at once. "I don't know how she did it. I mean, the baby, Mary, Joseph…pretty easy, but…" He held up white stuffing in one hand and some greenery in the other. "What is this? And where do all these other guys go?"

Mia threw up her arms. "I have no idea!" They laughed together.


"I can't make it exactly the same, Mia, and I'm sorry for that. But I hope you see…"


"I see, Dad." Mia pointed to the little family on the mantle. "Father, mother, baby. We have what's important."


Dad nodded. "Yes, we do. We have the hope of Jesus. All the hope for this world, wrapped up in a baby. You know, I don't hear it used much at Christmastime, but I'm reminded of a verse as I look upon our perfectly imperfect nativity. Do you remember John 3:16?"

Mia nodded. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


Dad gently lifted the ceramic infant from his manger. "Mia, this decoration is the only one we really need, because it represents what we're really celebrating at Christmas--the birth of the child who would bring hope for the whole world. Hope for eternity with Him."


"And Mom!"

"And Mom, and all who put their trust in Jesus."

Mia's eyes filled with tears. "It still hurts."


Dad drew her into his strong arms. "It still hurts now. But our hope is focused on the good that is coming. It won't always be like this. One day, when Jesus returns as King, our pain and disappointments will be gone." He replaced the baby in the manger. "Then we will really know the value of God's precious gift."

-Kristen O'Hara



Are you struggling this Christmas? Maybe you’re missing someone. Christmas can be a tough time for people who are hurting. Yet the birth of Jesus gives us hope beyond anything we face on this earth. It lets us look past the now, way out into eternity! This Christmas, focus on the hope God gave the world that first Christmas by sending Jesus—hope for a perfect eternity with Him



For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < December 22, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Same Old Story (Wednesday)

Read: Luke 2:1-20


"Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields," Abby's Sunday school teacher read from the second chapter of Luke, "keeping watch over their flock…" Mrs. Peters' voice started to fade away as Abby daydreamed about the new bike she expected to get for Christmas. I can hardly wait, she thought. I know I won't be able to ride it since there's snow on the ground, but still…


Abby glanced down at the open Bible on her lap. It wasn't that she didn't like the Christmas story. It was just that she knew it so well. I could probably teach this class myself, she thought. Last week I heard this same story at our Christmas program and saw it acted out on a TV show. Now I'm hearing it again, and I'm guessing Pastor Hill will read it during the church service too. So while Mrs. Peters talked, Abby continued dreaming about a new bike.


After class, Abby walked to the main auditorium with Gina, who had been coming to church for only a few months. "Wow! That Christmas story is really something!" Gina exclaimed.


Abby looked at her in surprise. "Haven't you heard it before? I've heard it hundreds of times!"


"I've heard it a few times," said Gina. "But I wasn't a Christian then and never paid much attention to what it meant. But now…just think, Abby! Jesus came to earth for you and me!" Gina's face was alive with excitement. "The story reminds me that God loves us a whole lot or He wouldn't have sent His only Son to earth


as a human to die!"


As Abby sat down in church, she thought about what Gina had said. I used to get excited when I heard the Christmas story too, but it's been a long time since I thought much about what it really means. She opened her Bible to the Christmas story. I'll read it for myself while I wait for the service to start, she decided. This time, I'll really picture in my mind what it must have been like for Jesus to come to earth! If He hadn't come, I wouldn't have my sins forgiven or be able to look forward to spending eternity with Him.


-Linda Weddle



Do you have an I’ve-heard-it-all-before attitude when you hear lessons on the real meaning of Christmas? Do you take Jesus’s birth for granted because you’ve heard about it so many times? The Christmas story is probably familiar to you, but you can still be thankful each time you hear it. If Jesus had not come, you would not have a Savior. Read today’s Bible reading again and thank God for the wonderful gift He gave you.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 9:15 (KJV)

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (NKJV)



** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < December 25, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Not Alone (Thursday)

Read: Psalm 139:5-7; Matthew 1:23


Through the door, up the stairs, and into a new room again. Ruby had been to so many foster homes, and this one was no different. Why did I have to move on Christmas Day? she thought as she put her bag down on the floor. She'd felt so alone since her mom had died.


Ruby sighed and walked downstairs to look around. She could smell delicious food coming from the kitchen. There was even a tree with a gift underneath it with her name on it. She laughed to herself. How could they possibly know what I want?


Just then her foster parents, Janice and Mike, and their son, Alex, walked out of the kitchen.


"Would you like to open your gift?" Alex asked. "We got it just for you." He started jumping up and down like a jack rabbit, which made Ruby laugh.


"I think someone's had too many Christmas cookies," his mom said.


"Maybe?" Alex said with a huge grin on his face. He picked up the gift and handed it to Ruby. "This is for you."


Ruby took the gift and opened it. It was a journal with her name engraved on it along with the words, You belong. Ruby wiped back a tear. It was like they knew what she was thinking. On the first page was Psalm 139:5--"You go before me and follow me."


"I've never heard that verse before," Ruby said. "What does it mean?"


"It's talking about Jesus always being with those who trust in Him," Janice said.


Mike nodded. "Ruby, we know life for you has not been easy. We won't pretend to understand what you've been through, but Jesus does. He left His Father in heaven to be born in a stable full of animals--not the best place for a baby. I'm sure you've been in some not-so-great places too. Jesus did that because He loves us. One name for Him that we remember at Christmas is Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.' I imagine you've felt very lonely at times, but you don't have to go through life alone. Jesus will be with you--and we're here for you too. I hope you can believe that."


Ruby closed her journal. "I hope so too." She smiled at her new foster family. Maybe this place would be different. -Danielle Woods



Do you feel alone? Do you have moments when you think you don’t belong? Maybe someone you were close to is no longer with you. Life can be hard, but Jesus came so you would never be alone. He is Immanuel, and He will be with you everywhere you go. You are not alone—He loves you and will take care of you.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Matthew 1:23 (KJV)

The virgin. . .will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means “God is with us.” (NLT)



** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < December 26, 2021>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Quiz Out of Season (Friday)

Read: 2 Timothy 4:1-5


"Today we're going to start out with something different," Mr. Prescott told his class at church. "I'm going to give you a little quiz." The kids groaned. "Don't look at your paper until I say you can," said Mr. Prescott with a smile. He walked around the table and placed a sheet of paper and a pencil in front of everyone. Then he walked back to the front of the class. "Okay…go!"


Sam knew the Bible stories they'd talked about well, so he confidently picked up his pencil and turned the paper over. Then he looked at Mr. Prescott in surprise. What is he thinking? Sam wondered. He noticed the other kids looked puzzled too. Sam raised his hand. "Mr. Prescott, this is a math test."


"Yep," replied Mr. Prescott. "Look it over. Can you do the problems?"


"I guess so," said Sam. "It looks easy, but I don't understand why you're giving us a math test in church."


"Yeah," said Sam's friend Theo. "We don't study math here."


Mr. Prescott smiled. "You're right," he said. "We do certain things in certain places, don't we? So, where do we study math?"


"In school!" the kids chorused.


"Okay," said Mr. Prescott. "And where do we talk about Jesus?"


The answer came loud and clear. "In church!"


"Right! We should talk about Him here," Mr. Prescott agreed. "But Jesus wants us to talk about Him in other places too. The Bible says we need to be ready to answer those who ask us about our faith. It says to be ready to preach the word ‘in season and out of season.' In other words, we need to talk about Jesus and what He did for us when it seems to be the normal place to do that--like in church--and when it doesn't."


"You mean…like in school?" Sam asked.


"That's right," said Mr. Prescott. "You all know enough about math to do this test here at church, and you also use math in your everyday life--such as how to cut a pizza so everyone gets a piece. Knowing Jesus is like that too. He's not only present with you at church--He's with you everywhere, all the time. And He'll help you talk to others about Him no matter where you are."

-Ann LaCombe



Do you talk about Jesus wherever you are? It wouldn’t be hard to tell someone that two plus two equals four, would it? It shouldn’t be so hard to tell people that Jesus loves them either. Don’t talk about Him only at church or only to your Christian friends. Learn to talk about Jesus no matter where you are or who you’re with. Make it a natural part of your conversation.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. (NKJV)

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
769 Unlocked 가이드 (12/31/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.28 281
768 Daily Devotional 가이드 (12/31/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.28 258
767 Unlocked 가이드 (12/24/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.21 151
766 Daily Devotional 가이드 (12/24/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.21 168
765 Unlocked 가이드 (12/17/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.14 44
» Daily Devotional 가이드 (12/17/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.14 37
763 Unlocked 가이드 (12/10/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.07 59
762 Daily Devotional 가이드 (12/10/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.12.07 38
761 Unlocked 가이드 (12/03/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.30 67
760 Daily Devotional 가이드 (12/03/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.30 43
759 Unlocked 가이드 (11/26/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.23 43
758 Daily Devotional 가이드 (11/26/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.23 38
757 Unlocked 가이드 (11/19/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.17 41
756 Daily Devotional 가이드 (11/19/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.17 98
755 Unlocked 가이드 (11/12/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.10 37
754 Daily Devotional 가이드 (11/12/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.10 58
753 Unlocked 가이드 (11/05/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.03 1489
752 Daily Devotional 가이드 (11/05/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.11.03 35
751 Unlocked 가이드 (10/29/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.10.26 66
750 Daily Devotional 가이드 (10/29/22) 월요일 ~ 금요일 file adminMin 2022.10.26 49