** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional <April 28, 2022>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


A Way to Serve (Monday)

Read: 1 Samuel 2:18-19, 26; 3:1 


Isabella lay across her bed as she read a letter from a missionary printed in her church bulletin. Wow! she thought. I wish I could help people too. She sighed. But there's not much I can do. I'm just a kid. Maybe I'll be a missionary and serve God when I'm older.


"Isabella! Come here, please," Mom called. Isabella went to the kitchen, and Mom handed her a bowl. "Mrs. Nelson's back is bothering her, so I made her some stew. Can you bring it over to her?"

"Okay," said Isabella, taking the bowl.


When she got to their neighbor's house, Isabella noticed that breakfast and lunch dishes were still on the table, so she loaded them into the dishwasher and set the table for dinner. Then she sat and kept Mrs. Nelson company while she ate her stew.


"Thank you for all your help--and for visiting with me," said Mrs. Nelson when Isabella was leaving. "Most young people don't seem to have time for us old folks."


When Isabella got home, her baby brother was sitting on the floor of the kitchen, crying. "Isabella, would you please feed Jacob?" said Mom as she chopped vegetables. "Sure," said Isabella. "Come on, Jakey. It's time to eat."


After dinner, Isabella showed her mom the missionary letter. "Did you read this letter in the bulletin, Mom? It's so cool to hear about all the ways these missionaries are helping people in their village and telling them about Jesus. I wish I could serve the Lord like that."


Mom smiled. "You've been serving the Lord all afternoon, Izzy," she said.

"Me? Serving the Lord?" asked Isabella.

"You helped Mrs. Nelson and spent time with her. And you helped me with Jacob." "But, Mom, that was just helping people," said Isabella. "I want to do something for God, but I'm not big enough yet."


"How do you think missionaries serve Him?" asked Mom. "They do it by doing things for people. We serve God by serving others, and that's what you've been doing, just like the missionaries. Your helpful, caring actions point to Jesus, who loves us so much He came to earth to rescue us from sin. By helping others, you're serving Him." A big smile slowly spread over Isabella's face.

-Barbara J. Westberg



Do you think you’re too young to serve God? You’re not. The Bible gives several examples of children who served Him. One of them is found in today’s Bible reading. You can serve God too. When you help and care for others, you’re showing them the love of Jesus, who served us by dying for our sins on the cross. You serve Him through every loving action, big or small. What can you do to serve today?


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Matthew 25:40 (NIV) (KJV)

[Jesus said,] “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”



** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < April 26, 2022>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Growing in Jesus (Tuesday)

Read: John 15:1-9; James 1:2-4 


"I love spring!" Mia announced to her older sister, Jade, as they prepared to do work in their garden. "Being able to play outside again makes me happy." Mia sighed and kicked a garden stone. "But it also makes me sad, because I miss our neighbors. We used to play a lot in the backyard before they moved away. But now I won't be able to play with them anymore."


"I miss them too." Jade smiled sadly. "But working in the garden always makes me feel better, and now you're tall enough to help me with the pear tree. Can you bring me those pruning shears?"


Mia brought over a pair of clippers, and Jade began to cut back the branches of the tree. Mia gasped. "What are you doing?" "I'm pruning the tree," Jade answered. Mia was surprised. "But won't cutting the branches hurt the tree?"


"Pruning may look likes it hurts, but it helps plants grow better," Jade replied and trimmed another branch. "Because we pruned it, the pear tree will be stronger and healthier, and it will have even more fruit in the fall."

"Really?" Mia's eyes widened.


"Did you know that God is a gardener?" Jade asked. "Just like how we're pruning the pear tree to help it grow better, God helps us grow in our relationship with Him--and He sometimes uses hard times in our lives to do that."

"Hard times like friends moving away?"


Jade nodded. "In the Bible, Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches. Because He died for us and we trust Him as our Savior, we're connected to Him through the Holy Spirit, who prunes us and helps us bear fruit."


"Fruit? Like strawberries?" asked Mia, looking at a package of seeds.


Jade laughed. "No, fruit of the Spirit--like love and joy and kindness and patience. So even though the things we're facing right now may hurt, God has a purpose in our struggles. He will use them to help us learn and grow."


"Jade?" Mia asked. "Do you think we can mail some of these seeds to our old neighbors? I want to remind them that God uses hard times to help us grow."

-Abby Ciona



Are you facing hard times? Maybe you’re feeling lonely, a family member is sick, or you miss a friend who lives far away. Remember that Jesus is with you in life’s struggles. He’s given you His Holy Spirit, who is working in your life to help you grow and bear fruit. He can use even difficult circumstances to help you know Jesus better and make you more like Him.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: James 1:2-3 (NLT) (KJV)

When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.



** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < April 27, 2022>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


It’s Free! (Wednesday)

Read: Ephesians 2:4-9


"You're late. The game is over," said Parker's brother Hunter as he put his glove and baseball cleats into a duffel bag. "Hey! Where'd you get that drink?"

Parker held up his slushy and shook it with a grin. "I got it at that new ice cream place on my way over here. It was free!"


Immediately, Parker was surrounded by hot and thirsty baseball players asking questions. "Where did you get it?" "You had to pay something for it, didn't you?" "Did they tell you to come here and advertise?" "What's the catch?"


Parker laughed. "There's no catch. The ice cream place is giving away free samples today. They said they hoped I'd come again whenever I want a slushy or ice cream." "Free slushies? Yeah, right," one of the players said sarcastically.


"You expect us to believe that?" said another. "There's a catch somewhere."

Some of the boys walked over to the water fountain for a drink. Others just went home. But some, including Hunter, took off running toward the ice cream shop.


Back home, the boys talked about what had happened. "Some of the kids drank warm water instead of cold slushies," said Hunter. "They were so sure the slushies had to cost something."

"Yeah," said Parker. "Why didn't they believe me when I said they could get them for free, Dad?"

Dad shrugged. "I don't know, Parker."


"Maybe they hear so much bad news, they just don't believe it when the news is good," Hunter suggested. "They can't believe someone would actually give something away."


Dad nodded thoughtfully. "That sometimes happens when people hear the good news of Jesus," he said. "Some just can't believe He'd give us eternal life as a free gift. They think there's a trick to it and they have to earn their way to heaven."


"But the Bible says eternal life a gift," said Parker. "When you're offered a gift, you can't pay for it. A gift is always free." Dad nodded. "That's right! All we have to do is believe and accept God's gift."


"Just like those slushies," said Hunter. "We couldn't pay for them." He grinned. "Maybe they'll give free samples of something else tomorrow! I'll accept those too." -H. Lee Mack



Have you heard the saying that the best things in life are free? In fact, the very best thing you could ever receive truly is free—it’s God’s gift of eternal life. There’s nothing you can do to earn it. God offers it to us as a gift, which means it’s free! It’s free because Jesus has already paid the price for it. You simply receive it when you trust in Him. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page.)


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Romans 6:23 (ERV) (KJV)

When people sin, they earn what sin pays—death. But God gives his people a free gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < April 29, 2022>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


A Special Number (Thursday)

Read: Psalm 150 


Bella covered her ears. "I am so tired of that song!" She and her brother had been asked to play a special number for the morning worship service at their church. Choosing a song for the occasion was proving to be a problem.


"This is a cool piece," said Lance. "It has a good harmony."

Bella made a face. "It's an old song, and we need something newer. You just have bad taste." Lance was indignant. "Look who's talking! You want to play that song we learned at camp. Nobody knows it, and it sounds horrible!"


"Does not," said Bella. "Does too!" Lance insisted.


"Just forget it then!" snapped Bella. "I have better things to do than sit here and argue with you!" She placed her flute in its case and snapped it shut.


"I don't hear any practicing," said Mom as she entered the room.


"Lance won't cooperate," said Bella. "He wants to play that old hymn. I think a newer song would be better."


"People won't even know the words of the song she wants to play," Lance argued.


Mom sighed. "It's so easy to disagree about music styles and preferences and forget why we sing and play songs in church." She looked at Lance, then Bella. "Why do you play at all?" "We…we were asked to play," Lance replied.


Bella sighed, knowing that wasn't a satisfactory answer. "We sing and play to praise Jesus."


Mom nodded. "We worship Him because He is our Lord and Creator who has saved us from sin and given us eternal life. He is worthy of our praise. But I certainly didn't hear any praises when you were talking together about what to play. If your goal is to praise Jesus, I think you'd better check your attitudes first."


Lance and Bella looked at each other as their mother left the room. "Mom's right," Bella said. "Honoring Jesus is the important thing--both with our song and our attitudes." She smiled at her brother. "Let's play the hymn you chose. We can play my song another time."


"You're sure?" Lance asked as he picked up his guitar. Bella nodded. "I'm sure."

-Linda Weddle



Do you sing or play songs at church to praise Jesus for all He has done for you? Even if the music doesn’t always fit your personal preferences? The purpose of music in church is to allow God’s people to praise and worship Him together. It’s about Him, not us. Don’t let your preferences get in the way of why we sing and play songs in church—because Jesus is worthy!



Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.


** Daily Devotional 에서 방송된 내용의 줄거리입니다. Daily Devotional Keys for kids Ministries에서 지원받은 프로그램입니다. 홈페이지 www.keysforkids.org로 들어가시면 Keys for kids Daily Devotional < April 30, 2022>에서 다시 들으실 있습니다.**


Calm in the Storm (Friday)

Read: Philippians 4:4-7 


Sadie snuggled under the covers as rain drummed against her bedroom window. Jagged streaks of lightning flashed across the black sky, and thunder crashed. Sadie pulled the quilt over her head. But the storm inside her heart seemed far greater than the storm outside, and tears rolled down her cheeks.


The awful news had come. Sadie's parents were getting a divorce. They had been separated for several months, and Sadie had been praying they'd be able to work things out. Now there would be no chance of restoring their family to the way it was, and Sadie felt she would never be happy again.


A few minutes later, Sadie heard her door opening softly, and Mom came in. "Is the storm bothering you, honey?" Mom asked.

Sadie wiped her eyes. "Not really."


Mom sat down in a chair next to the bed. "When you were small, you were very afraid of thunder and lightning," she said.


"I was?" Sadie asked. "I don't remember that. How did I get over it?"


"When a bad storm came, I used to sit beside you in this chair," Mom replied. "Just having me here seemed to make your fears go away."


"Oh." After a moment, Sadie said, "I still like having you here, but you don't need to stay tonight, Mom. I'll be okay."


"I know you will, but another storm hit us today, didn't it? I know the news was terrible for you. It was for me too. That's not the way I wanted things to go." She stroked Sadie's hair. "I know how upset you've been lately, and I've prayed that God's presence will help you through this tough time. I'd never make it without Him, and I hope you'll remember that He's always here to help you through any of life's storms." They talked a little longer, and then Mom returned to her own room.


Sadie looked at the empty chair. She tried to imagine Jesus sitting there, watching over her. "Dear Lord," she prayed, "thank You for being with me--and with Mom too." Suddenly she knew that even though her problem was still there, things were different now because she was trusting Jesus to take care of her.

Sadie rolled over and was soon sound asleep. -Sherry L. Kuyt



Do you have a difficult problem in your life right now? Have your parents divorced? Has a family member died? Is someone you love seriously ill? Have you been abused? Perhaps you feel lonely and neglected. As you go through hard times, Jesus is right there with you. Trust Him to be with you in life’s storms and help you through them. He is always with you and offers you His peace.


TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Isaiah 26:3 (NLT) (KJV)

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

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